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First Name Kathy
Last Name Myers Krogh
Member Since September 30, 2018
City Toronto
State ON
Country Canada
Branch Affiliation Toronto
Bio Kathy Myers Krogh graduated from Queen's University (Arts 62) with a degree in Psychology and English. She taught pre-school in Washington DC and worked for Maryland Fair Housing and Dr. King's Poor Peoples Campaign. Returning to Toronto with her family of four children, she studied at the Institute of Child Study. Kathy has written three children's books based on cottage life on an island in Muskoka. Five generations of her family have enjoyed this cottage. "'he Professor & The Pilots' is a newly published book by Kathy Myers Krogh and Douglas Myers. Their book is based on a collection of letters home from wartime London, written by a Canadian psychologist, Roger Myers, who was appointed as advisor to the RAF on pilot selection and training. His research at air bases in the UK and North America significantly reduced the loss of pilots and planes. Roger was an entertaining storyteller and his letters offer a glimpse into life in Britain. We were Invited to give a Keynote talk about our book at the International Congress of Applied Psychologists in Montreal, June 2018. Roger left behind two young children and his wife, who did not expect to sign up to be a single parent for three years, for a cause he believed in. This is a Canadian story that is worth telling..
Publications 'The Professor & The Pilots' -Letters home from wartime London by a Canadian Psychologist (2018) ISBN #978-1-5255-2219-2 'Polka Dot and the Segwun' - children's book (2007) ISBN# 0-9688773-0-3 'A Fine Kettle of Fish' - children's book (2005) ISBN# 0-9688773-2-X 'The Message in the Maggie McD' - children's book (2003) ISBN# 0-9688773-1-1