Student Member




To qualify for student membership, you need to send us proof of full-time enrollment at an accredited educational institution at the time of your application for membership. This may be either a timetable, with student name and number, outlining full-time studies, or a letter from your school stating that you are currently enrolled as a full-time student. Student members must be at least 18 years of age.

Note that your membership cannot be fully activated until the above support has been received, and you will not have access to the full benefits of membership.

Verification of Enrolment:

A Verification of Enrolment (VOE) serves as an official copy of your registration as a full-time or part-time student at a university or college. This document includes your name, student number, program, how many credits you have completed to-date and how many in which you are currently registered.  It also clearly states your full-time or part-time status, as well as in which year of your program you are, based on credits. The VOE often bears the signature of the university registrar and the official university seal.

Also Known As

  • Proof of Registration
  • Full-Time Letter/Registration Letter
  • Proof of Student Status
  • Enrollment Confirmation
  • Any combination or similar terms to the above

You can typically find out more about accessing this document on the educational institutions’ website under Office of the Registrar or Student Services.

For example, at Queen’s University, you’ll find this information at

Most of the time, you will be able to access the document online via your student account and print it. If necessary, a screen shot is acceptable, but the image must clearly show your name, the date, the name of the university or college, and your status as being full-time. (Part-time student status is only acceptable when students have a disability.)