by Lana Guzman

Book Cover: The Unusual Lives: A Victim(izer)
ISBN: 978-1-990070-63-1
ISBN: 978-1-990070-64-8

From her birth to her death and through no fault of her own, Veronika lives in a complex world of mental instability that defines who she is and how she interacts with her surroundings. She is born into subjugation, gains liberty, falls into subjugation again, gains liberty once again, only to become willfully subjugated yet again. She becomes a villain along the way too, only to find herself fully alienated, just like she always wanted to be.

Publisher: Noble Gray PRESS

Veronika was the oldest of five sisters and five brothers. She was born sometime in summer, in a village some couple of hundred kilometres south of the city. Neither her exact birth date nor the name of the village and not even the location of the village were known. She either kept it a secret, or she simply forgot, or she just never held on to that information. She had become a person without any past from the day she was born. She would hold on to that way of life for her whole life.

About the Author

I hold a Master of Business Administration degree from HEC Montreal. I also hold a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from The Hague University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. I hold a Specialist in Finance degree and a Bachelor degree in Economics from Russian Plekhanov University of Economics in Moscow, Russia. I worked for multinationals and a start-up doing market research and business development. For the past 11 years, I have been doing applied business and academic research in a number of diverse fields. I write, co-write, ghost write full-length professional books, as well as short fiction. I translate from and to English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Russian. I can also work with texts in Portuguese and Afrikaans.