The United States government discovers, to its horror, that the creatures featured in animated cartoons are not fabrications but real beings. Fearing the social and political consequences of the discovery being made public, they proceed to exile them off Earth to another planet. However, things do not go according to plan...
“I have had it with you, you little blue thief!” I shouted again. “You are not worth all the pain you keep putting me through every day! Look at me! Look at me! I’m eight years old, and already I’ve got bags and wrinkles under my eyes! Bags and wrinkles! And it’s all because you keep hounding me and harassing me to keep you in clover every time we’re even remotely near each other, you rotten…no-good…cheap…horrible….son of a SEA COOK!”
This, for some reason, set him to laughing when it was supposed to shame him.