by Eugenie Mujawiyera

Book Cover: MISSION: Building a Super Fantastic World!
ISBN: 9781738807468; 979-8393126551

Bill Ishimwe, Roxanna Liu, Angela Robins and Haneul Lee, the great inseparable friends, are back for another adventure! This time, they have a big mission. Will they be able to fulfill it? Will they convince you with their vision? They invite you to join them to accomplish this mysterious mission. What is it really about? Come and find out!


MISSION: Building a Super Fantastic World!

All of our beautiful skin colours look like a garden of flowers shining on the Earth. It is extraordinary, isn’t it? This beauty of colours should not divide us, but rather unite us.

We want schools where every student feels safe and is not afraid of being bullied by others.

We must create a world where peace flows like a river that never stops. A world without violence, without discrimination, without cyber-bullying. Imagine that world! Who would like to live in such a world?

It is not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, but it is now, it is today, that we must take the first step to change our world and make it a better place!

Reviews:Amazon Customer wrote:

"A super fantastic book!!!! This is a book that parents, educators and teachers should have so that they can share what's written in it with their children or students. It teaches students true leadership. It teaches students the character traits they should adopt to become better global citizens! I really admired that the main characters in this book invite other students to help them in their mission to make our world a better place. It is a book to discover!!!! Very interesting!!!"

About the Author

Eugénie Mujawiyera is a teacher in Toronto, Ontario. She is multilingual. She holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta. She also holds a Master of Education (Concentration in Leadership, Evaluation, Curriculum and Policy Studies) from the University of Ottawa. During her free time, she likes to do research related to education and write educational books which can help elementary or junior students to do better at school, achieve excellence in their studies, and become better citizens of the world.

Eugénie Mujawiyera est une enseignante à Toronto, en Ontario. Elle est multilingue. Elle est titulaire d'un baccalauréat en éducation de l'Université de l'Alberta. Elle est également titulaire d'une maîtrise en éducation (concentration en leadership, évaluation, études des programmes et des politiques) de l'Université d'Ottawa. Pendant son temps libre, elle aime faire des recherches sur l'éducation et écrire des livres éducatifs qui peuvent aider les élèves du primaire ou du secondaire à mieux réussir à l'école, à atteindre l'excellence dans leurs études, et à devenir de meilleurs citoyens du monde.