A Collection of Twisted Tales

by Suzanne Craig-Whytock

Book Cover: Feasting Upon The Bones
ISBN: 9781951840372
ISBN: 9781951840372
ISBN: 9781951840372
ISBN: 9781951840372

Step into the world of the unexpected, where things aren’t always as they seem. From disturbing jigsaw puzzles and portentous stones to mysterious notebooks and ghostly encounters, Feasting Upon The Bones is a collection of twenty-seven short stories that delve into the themes of love and loss, revenge and retribution, and mortality and immortality. Told with imaginative flair, and the occasional touch of dark humour, this intriguing series of twisted tales has something for everyone. Time’s a-ticking, as Mr. Death would say, so open the cover and wander around.

Publisher: Potters Grove Press

Human Match

A man enters a room. He’s not an evil man, he thinks, but the people who have brought him to the room disagree. He is, he thinks, exactly what he was made to be, but the people who have told him to sit down on the other side of the table aren’t sure what that is.

“Why did you set fire to the church?” they ask.

“I like fire,” he says. He says it coolly, off-handed, as if his insides aren’t a raging inferno.

He doesn’t tell them that when he was a child, his father burned him with a cigarette, that he watched the embers press down into his flesh in fascination.

He doesn’t tell them that his mother held his hand over a stove burner, threatening to punish him for some long-forgotten act of childhood defiance, until he lost patience, pulling away from her grip and slamming his palm down onto the red-hot rings himself in an ecstasy of pain.

“Why do you like fire?” they ask.


“Because it’s perfect,” he answers.

He doesn’t tell them that he is always cold, that his bones and his heart and the very core of him are frozen until there is fire.

He doesn’t tell them that he has sulphur under his skin.

He doesn’t tell them that he is consumed by a hunger for flame.

“There were people inside,” one of the men says, fists clenching with barely restrained fury. “Children. You could at least show some remorse.”


About the Author

Award-winning writer Suzanne Craig-Whytock found her love of literature and writing at an early age. Her passion for the written word continued into adulthood, leading her to earn an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language and Literature. She has worked in education most of her life, and was a high school English teacher in Ontario, Canada for over 20 years. She has authored three novels, as well as a short story collection, and has had numerous pieces of short fiction and poetry appear in literary journals. She regularly publishes humorous essays focused on life’s absurdities, current events, and popular culture on her own website.