Creating your desired path in life through inspired understandings and self choice.

by Martin Neil Campbell

Book Cover: Essential Life Behaviors
ISBN: 978-0991987320
ISBN: 978-0991987320

In Essential Life Behaviors, Martin Neil Campbell takes readers on a journey of self-discovery, self-awareness, and finally, self-actualization by learning how to shed hatred, anger, and negative judgements and instead, formulate positive thoughts and behaviors. The book outlines 24 essential behaviors, underpinned by five Core Drivers of love, unity, joy, understanding and freedom; keys that embody what humanity uses to recognize the best attributes of highly evolved individuals and societies. This in-depth process assures readers that a joyful, abundant life isn’t a distant dream, but instead, an achievable state of being. Packed with insights and life-changing exercises, it puts readers back into the driver’s seat of their own lives by reminding them that who they are, and who they choose to be, is always a choice. The only constant in life is change and each choice we make shapes who we are and our path forward in life. The author’s paradigm-shifting message is that our behaviors are not carved in stone, and we can modify them to develop loving and resilient relationships with everyone in our lives.


Our Five Core Drivers

Do you wonder why there is an endless stream of conflict and strife in the world? You are not alone. Many a good person has racked their brains trying to find solutions.

Many people will tell you they have the solution. Religious people of every faith vow that if we follow their beliefs our immoral behaviors and problems will disappear. Political representatives of every stripe promise that if we adopt their rules and governance our societal woes will disappear. Corporate leaders state that if we provide them with unfettered freedom and let them do as they see fit, our economic problems will disappear. We have heard proselytizing arguments for centuries. They never cease and neither do the problems. When something is repeated enough times someone will eventually listen. But who should we believe?

Core Driver #1: Love is at the Center


Each of the five core drivers of love, understanding, unity, joy, and freedom is powered by love. This love comes driven from within and sourced from your core. In other words, when you access your core drivers, you are expressing what is in your heart, and your heart never truly closes.

Love is the cornerstone of creation and the foundational energy of your core drivers. Love drives creation. God is love, and at your center you are love because you are of God. Love has the greatest power to awaken self-awareness about what you desire and who you desire to become.

Divine Love guides you to utilize the core drivers so that you may become fully self-realized. You cannot truly manifest understanding, unity, joy, and freedom without love.

The core drivers are derived from love and love itself is strengthened when you communicate it in the form of empathy, gratitude, honesty, respect, and integrity. When you demonstrate love, you create a flow of love energy in and around you. Each core driver is intricately interwoven into all twenty-four Essential Life Behaviors.

Reviews:Book Excellence on wrote:

"Easy to read with clear examples of how to implement these self-bettering behaviors in our lives makes Essential Life Behaviors a book everyone can learn from."

Maincrest Media Book Award wrote:

"This book is a must-read for anyone who is looking to develop resilient relationships and create true, lasting love and joy in their lives."

About the Author

Martin Neil Campbell is a retired business leader, and was host of a radio show, "Sovereign Self", for six years. His first book, Receiving the Gift We Give, received a Book Excellence Award. Martin is committed to helping people make a better life for themselves and acknowledges that we can enhance personal and professional relationships to bring abundance into our lives. Martin has given seminars on personal resilience, leadership and dealing with adversity, as he is a strong advocate for individual empowerment for charting our own path.