A Longview Romance

by Nancy M Bell

Book Cover: Storm's Refuge
ISBN: 9781771453196
ISBN: 9781771453196
ISBN: 9781771453196
ISBN: 9781771453196
ISBN: 9781771453196

The only thing bigger than the storm in Michelle's heart is the blizzard raging across the Alberta prairie outside her window. Finding an injured stray dog is the last thing she needs. Add to the mix the handsome new vet who is taking over her beloved Doc's practice and peace of mind is not in the picture. Cale Benjamin is too nice to be for real. Michelle is still smarting from being jilted by her high school sweetheart fiancE and not in the mood to trust any man, let alone one as drop dead gorgeous as Dr. Cale Benjamin DVM. The injured stray, Storm, keeps putting Michelle in Cale's path whether she likes it or no. She is distressed to find that the handsome young vet is sliding past her carefully erected defenses and into her heart. A few well placed nudges from Doc's match maker wife, Mary, help the young doctor's cause, but will it be enough to make the lady rancher allow him into her life?

Publisher: BWL Publishing Inc.

Michelle struck out from the shelter of the garage with her chin tucked down on her chest. The corner of the house should be right in front of her. The wind howled fiercely, and snow devils whirled everywhere. Her feet found the steps of the back porch first, and Michelle thankfully grabbed the snowy railing with her right hand. The drifts were thick on the broad steps and made it hard to get footing. Michelle fought her way up the stairs and missed the top step. She pitched head first into the big drift on the porch between the steps and the door. Michelle floundered in the snow as she tried to find some purchase for her feet in the sifted snow. Her breath stuck in her throat as her flailing hand was caught in the grasp of a strong gloved hand. She got to her feet and pushed the snow laden toque back from her eyes and swiped her wet hair out of her face. Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked up at the tall figure of a man who was definitely not George.


The porch light behind the stranger made it hard to see his features, that and the fact he had a hat pulled low over his face and a scarf wound around his neck and lower face. Who the hell is he? A small jolt of fear seared through her. This was definitely not someone she knew. Maybe somebody stranded by the blizzard?

Reviews:V.L. Murray, Natter and Review wrote:

“I've been a fan of Ms. Bell’s writing for quite awhile now; both her poetry and fiction work. She is one of the best writer’s in Canada. When she gets rolling, her descriptions of the land, sea or sky are incredible and just take you right into the scenery. Her dialogue is natural, full of humour and life. Her characters are real. Nothing seems forced. Her books are always easy to read and never tick me off as an editor. And believe me, that happens.
The story is based in Alberta and involves a young lady whose had a rough breakup the year before. She is an animal lover, horses, dogs, probably anything else needing a home, and finds a stray, very pregnant and injured dog under her porch during a wild and crazy winter storm; hence the name of the dog and the title of the book. Storm, the dog, becomes her new housemate and there are lots of concerns around her and the about-to-arrive puppies, some of which involve the need for a vet. So, in walks Cale, the new city-slicker vet, or at least that’s what our feisty, the last guy-done-me-wrong-so -I-don't-trust-any-man heroine, Michelle, thinks he is, and her world turns upside down. His description would turn any girl’s life upside down. 5 Stars.“

Suzanne Montigny, Amazon Review wrote:

“Nancy Marie Bell is a master writer. You are immediately drawn into her world and can feel the bite in the cold, Alberta air. You can see the colours of dawn reflected in the snow as the sun lingers over the horizon. You can even hear the puppies protesting their hunger. There are yucky parts too like when Michelle wrestles with the afterbirth of a horse, but it only proves she's writing from her reality since she is a horsewoman who resides in Alberta. I'm still shivering from the cold. 5 of 5 stars.“

About the Author

Nancy lives in Castor, Alberta with her husband and various critters. She is a member of the Writers Guild of Alberta and a board member of the Canadian Authors Association. She has publishing credits in poetry, fiction, and non-fiction.