Tao Wong is a full-time Canadian indie author & publisher based in the Yukon. Yes, that Yukon. As a reader, he’s an avid fan of science fiction and fantasy, having cut his teeth decades ago on Dragonlance, Terry Brooks, and Asimov before graduating to Jordan, Gaiman, Bujold, and more.

When he’s not writing and working, he’s practicing martial arts, reading (even more!) and taking care of his family. Other hobbies include occasional RPGs and board games as well as picking up new, random skillsets.

Tao became a full-time author in 2019 and is now a member of SF Canada, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) and ALLI. He has an MSc. In Marketing and a BA in Business and Accounting.


Twitter:  @tr_wong
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taowongauthor
Website:  mylifemytao.com