Photo credit: George Omorean

Heidi Greco is a longtime resident of Surrey, BC. In addition to writing and editing, she often leads workshops — on topics that range from ekphrastic poetry to chapbook making. She’s been an advocate for the literary arts in her community and was instrumental in establishing two distinct reading series, but she considers her greatest success to have been convincing her city to hire an official Poet Laureate.

Although she writes in many genres — with poems, fiction, essays and book reviews to her credit, Heidi is a firm believer in the power of poetry. She has been involved in a number of actions where poetry served as the voice of protest — including the Han Shan Project, which saved a forest from development.

Her most recent poetry collections are Practical Anxiety (Inanna Publications, 2018) and Flightpaths: The Lost Journals of Amelia Earhart (Caitlin Press, 2017).

More information about this presenter can be found at

Heidi will be leading the workshop Finding New Ways to Write: ‘A Defence of Poetry’ for Today on Saturday afternoon at CanWrite! 2019.