BC Chapter – includes Victoria

President: Vacant

Find local programs, information and events on their website here


National Capital Region Chapter

President: Arlene Smith

Find local programs, information and events on their website here


Niagara Chapter

President: Sharon Frayne

Find local programs, information and events on Canadian Authors calendar at https://canadianauthors.org/national/events/month/?tribe_organizers%5B%5D=17369


Peterborough Chapter

President: Val Crowley

Find out about upcoming branch events on the Canadian Authors calendar at https://canadianauthors.org/national/events/month/?tribe_organizers%5B%5D=17369


Toronto Chapter

Presidents: J.F. Garrard

Find local programs, information and events on their website here


Managed almost entirely by dedicated volunteers, these chapters usually operate without offices and staff. To find out more about a chapter near you, visit their website and check out their events, meeting times, etc.


Interested in helping set up—or rebuild—a chapter in your area? Find out more at https://canadianauthors.org/national/branches/starting-a-branch/.

When you sign up to join the Canadian Authors Association, you’re asked to select which chapter you’d like to be affiliated with. You can also opt to be a member at large with no chapter affiliation.


Members at Large

How does being a member at large affect my membership?

Members at large have the same benefits as members who are affiliated with specific chapters.

If you are affiliated with a chapter, their executive committee are advised so they can add you to their contact list and you will be informed, along with other members, about upcoming events and activities via email. A portion of your membership fee is earmarked for the branch to help cover their program expenses.

As a member at large, you are still able to attend meetings at any chapter across Canada at no cost, and register for workshops at the member’s rate. You can also ask to be included on a specific cchapter’s electronic message list even if you are not affiliated.


Can I opt for being a member at large even if there is a chapter nearby?

Absolutely! Some members want the membership without the bonus of local events, and others simply don’t have a chapter close enough to travel to.


Can I change my mind about the member at large designation?

No problem! Just let us know via an email message what chapter you’d like to be affiliated with and we’ll make the change in our database. We’ll also advise the chapter that you have affiliated with them, and they’ll take it from there.