CAA–NCR produces an e-magazine, Byline.
Byline contains stories, articles of interest to writers, information about upcoming events and lots more. Regular features include a Poetry Corner, an Information Corner, and a Fiction Corner.
We pay
We look for writing-related articles that include information about the process, profession or business of writing, or insights into the writer’s world. See our submissions guidelines below.
We advertise
Members of Canadian Authors Association receive free ad space for general notices about their writing. Advertisements about a member’s business, workshop, or other talents for sale are considered advertisement and rates apply. See advertising for member and non-member rates.

- “One step, then another” by Arlene Smith, President, CAA-NCR
- How long should your manuscript be?
- Haiku and a poem: Poetry by Diana Taylor, Donna McDougall and Betty Warrington-Kearsley
- Upcoming Events
- “The Mysterious Comma” by Sherrill Wark
- News: from Sheila Burpee Duncan, Lorrie Potvin, Louise Rachlis and Susan J. Atkinson
- “The Flycatcher”: Short story by Sara Jane O’Neill
- “Entering writing contests” by Catina Noble
- “The Hope Chest”: Short story by Christine Beelen
Submit to Byline
Byline Pays
Articles: 2-1/2 cents per word to a maximum of $25.00 on publication (minimum $10.00) Poetry: $10.00 each Photos: $5.00 each.
English with Canadian spelling. In MS Word as an attachment. Font: Times New Roman 12 point, no formatting, no indents. Length: Preferably between 600 to 1000 words. Photos in jpeg, largest available resolution.
Fall Issue: October 15
Spring Issue: April 15
Advertise in Byline
Byline provides a great opportunity to reach Eastern Ontario/Western Quebec writers and readers.
Member Rates
Ads directly related to a member’s writing are free.
Advertisements about a member’s business, workshop, or other talents for sale are considered advertisement and the following rates apply:
Single issue:
1/8 page: N/C
1/4 page: $15
1/2 page: $30
One year: (4 issues – price of three)
1/8 page: N/C
1/4 page: $45
1/2 page: $90
Non-Member Rates
Single issue:
1/8 page: $15
1/4 page: $30
1/2 page: $50
One year: (4 issues – price of three)
1/8 page: $45
1/4 page: $90
1/2 page: $150
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