Patrick Connors first chapbook, Scarborough Songs, was released by Lyricalmyrical Press in 2013, and charted on the Toronto Poetry Map. His second chapbook with Lyricalmyrical, Part Time Contemplative, was published in 2016. He had 18 poems in Bottom of the Wine Jar, published in 2017 by SandCrab Press. Other publication credits include: The Toronto Quarterly; Spadina Literary Review; Tamaracks; and Tending the Fire, released in spring 2020 by the League of Canadian Poets. He has recently had work accepted by Beret Days Press, WordCity Monthly, The Poet Magazine Faith issue, VerseAfire, Litterateur, Literature for the People, In Silence We Wait, CP Quarterly, Beliveau Review, Harbinger Asylum, Brave World Magazine, Envoy, People's Voice, and New York Parrot. His first full collection, The Other Life, is newly released by Mosaic Press.

Books By Patrick Connors