Clara A.B. Joseph was born in India and now resides in Calgary. Her poetry has appeared in Toronto Review, Mother Earth International, Prosopisia: An International Journal of Poetry & Creative Writing, Canadian Women’s Studies, the Journal of Postcolonial Writing, and Transnational Literature, publications of the Poetry League of Canada, among others. M/OTHER is her third book of poetry, drawing inspiration from the Jewish-French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, particularly his ethical project of the self's responsibility when encountering the other. More personally, it is inspired by her mother-in-law. Her previous poetry collections are The Face of the Other (IP, 2016) and Dandelions for Bhabha (IP, 2018). She is a professor of English and an adjunct professor of Religious Studies at the University of Calgary, where she also serves as the Creative Writing Coordinator.

Books By Clara A.B. Joseph