Strategic Fundraising Campaign

In 2021, Canadian Authors’ Board of Directors launched and approved a five-year Strategic Plan to address its future. (If you are a member in good standing, you can see the Canadian Authors Association Strategic Plan 2021–2026 in the Members Only section of the website. If you are not a member and would like more information, please email our administrator, who will arrange for you to speak to a member of our board of directors.) The intention is to rebuild CAA with a robust professional staff, offering a wide range of services for an expanding member base. But this ambitious plan needs an infusion of funds to begin the transformation process. We have therefore launched our Centennial Fundraising Campaign with a goal of $50,000 as seed money to turn things around and help ensure the association reaches its full potential.

Leading Canadian writers into the next century

The Centennial Fundraising Campaign continues to February 28 of this year (2025). Revenue Canada has extended the charitable donations window for 2024 until February 28, 2025, creating a unique moment for you to make a meaningful impact on the Canadian literary landscape and still be eligible for tax support in the 2024 tax year. Join us in this uplifting mission to empower Canadian voices and writers at all stages of their careers. Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of something greater—act now and help shape the future of Canadian literature!

CAA is a registered national arts service organization with charitable status (charitable number: 10684 3055 RR0001), and we will issue official tax receipts for all donations of $20 or more.

Please consider donating to this historically and culturally relevant organization—and proudly join our CAA Donor Wall of Honour.


There are five ways to donate:

  • Online through our website
  • Online through Canada Helps
  • By sending a cheque in the mail
  • By phone
  • Via bank transfer

See instructions for each method of donating below:


Donate Online

CAA Website: You can make a convenient online credit card donation by selecting one of the donations below:

You can also donate through the Canada Helps website by clicking the button below.
Donate Now Through!

Donate by Mail

Please download, print, and fill in the donation form and mail it along with your cheque (if applicable) payable to Canadian Authors Association to:

Canadian Authors Association
c/o Brandi Tanner
Administrative Director
19 Machell Avenue
Toronto, ON L4G 2R6

If you would prefer to make a monthly donation by mail, you can use our monthly donation form instead. We’ll process the credit card or cheques monthly.


Donate by Phone

Call our national office at 705-955-0716 with your credit card handy and we’ll be pleased to process your donation over the phone.


Donate by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) via your Bank Account

Designate Canadian Authors Association as the payee, send via