*Contests will be updated as 2025 details become available.*


Diana Brebner Prize

Genre: Poetry
Entry Fee: $25 for up to two poems (includes a one-year subscription to Arc)
Deadline: September 4, 2024
Prize: $500 CAD
Description: The Diana Brebner Prize is awarded yearly for the best poem written by a National Capital Region poet, who has not yet been published in book form. The prize honours the late Diana Brebner, an award winning Ottawa-based poet who was devoted to fostering literary talent among new, local writers. The contest is open to authors who have had their principal home and actual residence in the National Capital Region for at least 6 months immediately prior to the date of submission, and who have not yet pub­lished their poetry in book form. Eligible entries must not exceed 30 lines each.
Details: https://arcpoetry.ca/contest/diana-brebner-prize/


Federation of BC Writers’ (FBCW) Literary Contest 2024

Genre: Flash Fiction, Short Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Poetry
Entry Fee: $15 CAD for FBCW members and $25 CAD for non-members
Deadline: September 15, 2024
Prize: First prize in each of 4 categories of $350 CAD, an interview in WordWorks magazine (print and online), a reading and interview at 2024 Gala, publication in the Contest Anthology, and 3 copies of the anthology; shortlist in each of 4 categories of $35 CAD, recognition on social media, publication in the Contest Anthology, and 1 copy of the anthology
Description: The Federation of British Columbia Writers’ Literary Contest is an annual celebration of writing. Poets and writers are invited to submit original, unpublished works. Flash fiction is 500 words max, short fiction is 3,500 words max, creative nonfiction is 1,500 words max, and poetry is 30 lines max.
Details: https://fbcwcontest.com/


Surrey International Writers Conference (SiWC) Writing Contest

Genre: Short Story
Entry Fee: $15 CAD per entry
Deadline: September 15, 2024, at 12:00 am ET
Prize: First prize of $1,000 CAD plus publication; honourable mention prize of $150 CAD plus publication
Description: Story length must be between 2,500 and 4,000 words. Young writers are welcome to enter, but must be aware that their work will be judged blind among submissions made by adult writers.
Details: https://www.siwc.ca/writing-contest/


Mslexia Women’s Fiction Competition 2024 – Children’s & Young Adult Novel

Genre: Fiction
Entry Fee: £26 per novel extract
Deadline: September 23, 2024
Prize: First prize of £5,000; the winner and finalists will receive manuscript feedback from The Literary Consultancy and personal introductions to literary agents arranged in partnership with New Writing North
Description: For novels of at least 20,000 words in any genre for children and young adults. Submit first 3,000 words only in the first instance. Longlisted entrants will be asked to submit their finished manuscripts along with a synopsis later in the judging process.
Details: https://mslexia.co.uk/competitions/childrens-and-ya-novel/


Mslexia Women’s Fiction Competition 2024 – Flash Fiction

Genre: Flash Fiction
Entry Fee: £6 per story
Deadline: September 23, 2024
Prize: First prize of £500; three finalist prizes of £50; all four winning stories will be published in Issue 104 of Mslexia; winning entries, plus eight more shortlisted entries, will be published in Mslexia’s e-book anthology Best Women’s Short Fiction 2024
Description: Submit complete short fiction up to 300 words on any subject. The judge is award-winning short fiction author and Director of The Propelling Pencil, Audrey Niven.
Details: https://mslexia.co.uk/competitions/flash-fiction/


Mslexia Women’s Fiction Competition 2024 – Short Story

Genre: Short Story
Entry Fee: £12 per story
Deadline: September 23, 2024
Prize: First prize of £3,000; three finalist prizes of £100; all four winning stories will be published in Mslexia; winning entries, plus eight more shortlisted entries, will be published in Mslexia’s e-book anthology Best Women’s Short Fiction 2024
Description: Submit complete short fiction on any subject, up to 3,000 words. The judge this year is award-winning novelist and short story writer Diana Evans.
Details: https://mslexia.co.uk/competitions/short-story/


Troubadour International Poetry Prize 2023

Genre: Poetry
Entry Fee: £5 or €6 or $7 USD per poem
Deadline: September 23, 2024
Prize: First prize of £2,000; second prize of £1,000; third prize of £500; plus 20 commendeds
Description: Poems may be submitted from any country & must be in English, must each be no longer than 45 lines, must show title & poem only, must not show poet’s name, must be the original work of the entrant (no translations) and must not have been previously published. No text alterations accepted after submission. No limit on number of poems or number of subsequent submissions.
Details: http://www.coffeehousepoetry.org/prizes


Anthology Flash Fiction Competition

Genre: Flash Fiction
Entry Fee: Early Bird rate of €10 per entry and regular rate of €12 per entry
Deadline: Early Bird deadline of May 31, 2024; final deadline of September 30, 2024
Prize: €300 and publication in a future issue of Anthology
Description: Established to recognise and encourage creative writing and provide a platform for publication. Open to original and previously unpublished short stories in the English language by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world. There is no restriction on theme or style. Open to both new and established writers, articles submitted must not exceed 250 words.
Details: https://anthology-magazine.com/awards/flash-fiction-competition/


Anthology Nature Writing Competition

Genre: Nature Writing
Entry Fee: Early Bird rate of €12 per entry and regular rate of €15 per entry
Deadline: Early Bird deadline of May 31, 2024; final deadline of September 30, 2024
Prize: €500 and publication in a future issue of Anthology
Description: Established to recognise and encourage creative writing and provide a platform for publication. Open to original and previously unpublished short stories in the English language by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world. There is no restriction on theme or style. Stories submitted must not exceed the maximum of 1,500 words.
Details: https://anthology-magazine.com/awards/nature-competition/


Dream Quest One Poetry and Writing Contest – Summer 2024

Genre: Poetry, Short Story
Entry Fee: $5 USD per poem and $10 USD per short story
Deadline: September 30, 2024
Poetry Prize: First prize of $250 USD; second prize of $125 USD; third prize of $50 USD
Short Story Prize: First prize of $500 USD; second prize of $250 USD; third prize of $100 USD
Description: This poetry contest and writing contest is open to everyone international. Poems may be written on any subject, theme, style or form, and must be 30 lines or fewer. Short stories may be written on a maximum of five pages on any subject or theme.
Details: https://www.dreamquestone.com/


Hammond House Publishing 2024 International Literary Prize

Genre: Poetry, Short Story, Screenplay
Entry Fee: £10 for nonmembers or £5 for members
Deadline: September 30, 2024
Prize: Poetry first prize of £500, second prize of £50 and third prize of £20; short story first prize of £1,000, second prize of £100 and third prize of £50; screenplay first prize of £250 plus film trailers for top three scripts; worldwide publication for winners and shortlisted entries
Description: The theme for the 2024 competition is ‘Time’. The competition is open to any and all participants regardless of age or location. Poems can be up to 40 lines, short stories have a 2,000-5,000 word limit, and short film scripts have a maximum of 10 pages.
Details: https://www.hammondhousepublishing.com/competitions


Letter Review Prize for Nonfiction

Genre: Nonfiction
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: September 30, 2024, at 11:59 pm ET
Prize: Three prizes of publication and share in the $1,000 USD total prize pool; twenty writers are Longlisted; all entries considered for publication and for submission to the Pushcart Prize and other anthologies
Description: Word length of up to 5,000 words. Open to anyone in the world. Most forms of nonfiction are welcome.
Details: https://letterreview.com/information 


Letter Review Prize for Poetry

Genre: Poetry
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: September 30, 2024, at 11:59 pm ET
Prize: Three prizes of publication and share in the $1,000 USD total prize pool; twenty writers are Longlisted; all entries considered for publication and for submission to the Pushcart Prize and other anthologies
Description: 70 lines max per poem. Open to anyone in the world. There are no style or subject restrictions.
Details: https://letterreview.com/information 


Letter Review Prize for Short Fiction

Genre: Short Fiction
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: September 30, 2024, at 11:59 pm ET
Prize: Three prizes of publication and share in the $1,000 USD total prize pool; twenty writers are Longlisted; all entries considered for publication and for submission to the Pushcart Prize and other anthologies
Description: Word length of up to 5,000 words. Open to anyone in the world. There are no genre or theme restrictions.
Details: https://letterreview.com/information/


Letter Review Prize for Unpublished Books

Genre: Book Length
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: September 30, 2024, at 11:59 pm ET
Prize: Three prizes of a letter of recommendation from the Judges for publishers and share in the $1,000 USD total prize pool; twenty writers are Longlisted
Description: Please submit the first 5,000 words of your book (first 15 pages for poetry). Open to anyone in the world. The entry must not have been traditionally published. You may submit unpublished books, and some self published, and indie published works. Seeking all varieties of novels, novellas, short story collections, nonfiction, and poetry collections. Review full entry guidelines for further details.
Details: https://letterreview.com/information


Power of the Pen Creative Writing Contest

Genre: Poetry, Short Story (Ages 12 – 18)
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: September 30, 2024
Prize: First prize of $100 CAD in each age category; second prize of $25 CAD in each age category; all winners receive a copy of the Power of the Pen publication for their portfolios
Description: Power of the Pen is an annual writing contest offered in partnership with The Hamilton Spectator. Teens are invited to submit original poetry and short stories. The Power of the Pen, now in its 30th year, is an annual writing contest. Teens (ages 12 to 18) are invited to submit original poetry and short stories in both English and French. All participants will be entered to win, and prizes will be awarded to the first and second place entries for each age group.
Details: https://teens.hpl.ca/articles/power-pen-creative-writing-contest


River Styx 2024 Microfiction Contest

Genre: Short Story
Entry Fee: $15 USD (includes a copy of the issue in which the winning stories will appear) or $20 USD (includes a one-year subscription to River Styx)
Deadline: September 30, 2024
Prize: First prize of $1,000 USD; first, second and third place winners will be published
Description: Judged by the editors of River Styx. 500 words maximum per story, up to three stories per entry fee. Must be previously unpublished in print or online.
Details: http://www.riverstyx.org/submit/microfiction-contest/


The Darling Axe First Page Challenge

Genre: First page of manuscript
Entry Fee: $5 CAD
Deadline: September 30, 2024
Prize: First prize of $700 CAD; second prize of $200 CAD; third prize of $100 CAD; all three finalists win publication on the Chopping Blog and receive complimentary access to one of our self-paced courses
Description: If you want a reader to buy your book or an agent to offer you representation, then it only makes sense to have a stunning first page. That’s what the First Page Challenge is all about. Open to fiction or narrative nonfiction, short stories or full-length manuscripts. One page, double-spaced, 12-point font. The judge will be asking one question: how likely am I to turn this page and keep reading?
Details: https://darlingaxe.com/pages/first-page-challenge


Canadian Jewish Playwriting Competition

Genre: Plays
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: Inactive contest in 2024; this competition is bi-annual and will next be held in 2025
Prize: First prize of $1,000 CAD and an 8-hour CAEA workshop with a director and up to six actors, concluding with a public reading
Description: This unique playwrights’ competition recognizes the most outstanding unproduced Canadian plays with a Jewish focus. 
Details: https://www.mnjcc.org/theatre


Mslexia Women’s Fiction Competition 2025 – Adult Novel

Genre: Unpublished Fiction Novels
Entry Fee: £26 per entry
Deadline: Inactive contest in 2024; this competition is bi-annual and will next be held in 2025
Prize: First prize of £5,000; three finalist prizes; all four winners will receive manuscript feedback from The Literary Consultancy, pitch training at a day-long professional workshop in Newcastle upon Tyne, and personal introductions to agents and editors at a Talent Party in central London
Description: This competition is open to unpublished fiction novels of at least 50,000 words in any genre for adult and/or young adult readers. Submit the first 5,000 words only in the first instance. Longlisted entrants will be asked to submit their finished manuscripts along with a synopsis later in the judging process.
Details: https://mslexia.co.uk/competitions/adult-novel/womens-fiction-competition-2023-adult-novel/