Grain Magazine’s Annual Short Grain Writing Contest
Genre: Fiction, Poetry
Entry Fee: $40 CAD for up to 2 Canadian entries, $50 CAD for up to 2 US entries, and $60 CAD for up to 2 International entries (all entries include a one-year subscription to Grain Magazine)
Deadline: April 1, 2025
Prize: First prize of $1,000 CAD in each category; second prize of $750 CAD in each category; third prize of $500 CAD in each category; all winning entries will be published in Grain Magazine
Description: Poetry entries to consist of one or two poems no longer than 100 lines each. Fiction entries to consist of one or two stories no longer than 2,500 words each.
Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest
Genre: Poetry
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: April 1, 2025
Prize: First prize of $2,000 USD and a two-year gift certificate from Duotrope (a $100 USD value); second prize of $500 USD; third prize of $250 USD; 10 honorable mention prizes of $100 USD each; top 13 entries will be published online
Description: Now in its 24th year, this contest seeks today’s best humor poems. Submit published or unpublished work. One poem only. Length limit of 250 lines maximum.
Dream Quest One Poetry and Writing Contest Winter 2024 – 2025
Genre: Poetry and Short Story
Entry Fee: $5 USD per poem and $10 USD per short story
Deadline: April 6, 2025, at 11:59 pm PT
Poetry Prize: First prize of $250 USD; second prize of $125 USD; third prize of $50 USD
Short Story Prize: First prize of $500 USD; second prize of $250 USD; third prize of $100 USD
Description: This poetry contest and writing contest is open to everyone international. Poems may be written on any subject, theme, style or form, and must be 30 lines or fewer. Short stories may be written on a maximum of five pages on any subject or theme.
The Masters Review 2025 Debut Fiction Prize
Genre: Debut Fiction
Entry Fee: $20 USD
Deadline: April 6, 2025, at 11:59 pm PT
Prize: Grand prize of $3,000 USD and a two-year subscription to Duotrope; second prize of $300 USD; third prize of $200 USD; all winners will also receive online publication, a license for Scrivener, Literature & Latte’s organizational writing software, a copy of Best Emerging Writers (an anthology by The Masters Review which will be published in May 2025), and eligibility for a $100 discount for a cohort at PocketMFA
Description: The Masters Review is excited to announce a new contest devoted specifically to brand new fiction writers. The Debut Fiction Prize will honor the work of writers who display tremendous promise in their craft. Submissions of previously unpublished fiction up to 6,000 words from writers who have never published in the genre are welcomed.
Desperate Literature 2025 Short Fiction Prize
Genre: Short Story
Entry Fee: €20 for the first entry and €10 for every further entry up to a maximum of five entries per person
Deadline: April 13, 2025
Prize: First prize of €2,000, a week’s residency at the Civitella Ranieri Foundation, and a manuscript assessment and follow-up meeting with a literary editor from The Literary Consultancy; two runner-up prizes of €1,000; various shortlist prizes
Description: The Desperate Literature Short Fiction Prize is awarded to an original work of fiction under 2,000 words.
Edna Staebler Award for Creative Non-Fiction
Genre: Nonfiction
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: April 15, 2025
Prize: $10,000 CAD
Description: Open to print books and eBooks of creative nonfiction published in the previous calendar year.
Stephen Leacock Student Humorous Short Story Competition 2025
Genre: Humor, Short Story, Essay (Ages 14 – 19)
Entry Fee: $5 CAD
Deadline: April 15, 2025
Prize: First prize of $1,000 CAD; second prize of $700 CAD; third prize of $300 CAD; all three student winners will read their works at the Meet the Authors evening and will receive their awards
Description: Entry to this contest is limited to teens ages 14 – 19 who are students in public, separate, private, home school, university or college situations in Ontario. Entry will be an original humorous story or humorous personal essay in English. Maximum length of 1,500 words.
Omnidawn 2025 Broadside “Single Poem” Poetry Contest
Genre: Poetry
Entry Fee: $10 USD for the first poem and $5 USD for each additional poem
Deadline: April 16, 2025
Prize: $1,000 USD, letterpress publication of the broadside by Omnidawn, 50 free copies of the broadside, and publication of the winning poem in the Omniverse online journal
Description: Omnidawn’s poetry broadsides, like other fine art poetry broadsides, are done with an old fashioned letter press, which uses an inked raised surface directly applied to sheets of paper. Letterpress printing was the type of printing originally invented by Gutenberg about 1450. The letters created by this method are slightly raised on the paper by the impression made with the raised type. Such poetry broadsides are highly prized and collected within the poetry community. It is recommended that poems be between 8 and 24 lines in length, with blank lines used as stanza breaks each counting as a line. The title line and the blank line following are not counted in this 8 to 24 line recommendation. Poems that are outside this recommended size are still completely eligible, but may require special formatting and/or smaller type to fit well on the finished broadside.
Alberta Champions Alberta-Wide 2025 Student Contest
Genre: Essay, Short Story, Poetry, Other Media (Grades 4 – 6 and 7 – 9)
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: April 17, 2025
Prize: Grades 7 – 9 Essay Contest wins first prize of $500 CAD VISA gift card; second prize of $350 CAD VISA gift card; third prize of $200 CAD VISA gift card
Grades 4 – 6 Story Contest wins first prize of $300 CAD VISA gift card; second prize of $200 CAD VISA gift card; third prize of $100 CAD VISA gift card
All winners receive a certificate of recognition of achievement
Description: Students grades 4 – 9 write about great Albertans, catch the inspiration, start to emulate the champions, begin their community involvement, learn good citizenship, and can win great prizes. The contest is open to students from all schools in Alberta, from grades 4 – 6 and grades 7 – 9.
Pen Parentis Writing Fellowship for New Parents
Genre: Fiction (no poetry or plays)
Entry Fee: $15 USD for the first story, $20 USD for two stories and additional entries at $10 USD each
Deadline: April 17, 2025, at 12:00 am ET
Prize: $2,000 USD, a year of mentorship, the opportunity to read the winning story online at a Pen Parentis Literary Salon in Fall 2025, publication in Dreamers Creative Writing Magazine (both online and in print) and the annual Dreamers Writing Anthology; second prize of $500 USD; third prize of $250 USD
Description: Awarded annually since 2010, this Fellowship is intended to incentivize writers to produce new works of quality fiction at the very busiest point in their parenting journey. Entrants must be the parent of at least one child under 10 years of age, but there are no style or genre limitations on the works of fiction submitted for consideration. Entrants can be at any level of their literary careers.
Future Scholar Foundation Short Story Competition
Genre: Fiction
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: April 28, 2025
Prize: First prize of $60 USD Amazon gift card; second prize of $40 USD Amazon gift card; third prize of $20 USD Amazon gift card; all winners will have their writing published on the FSF’s global platform
Description: The Future Scholar Foundation (FSF) is a nonprofit organization founded in Redmond, Washington. They have impacted over 6,100 elementary and middle students in over 35 countries through their writing competitions, workshops, and coaching programs, and have been supported by New York Times staff, The Seattle Times, NorthwestAsian Weekly, and more. Submit your story now to win gift cards, publish your story on a global stage, and receive FREE feedback!
FreeFall Annual Prose & Poetry Contest 2025
Genre: Prose, Poetry
Entry Fee: $25 CAD (includes 1-year subscription to FreeFall magazine) and $5 CAD for each additional entry (at time of original entry only)
Deadline: April 30, 2025
Prize: First prize of $500 CAD; second prize of $250 CAD; third prize of $125 CAD; honorable mention prize of $75 CAD
Description: All contest entries are also automatically entered into the Lynn Fraser Memorial contest for a chance to win $100 CAD. Maximum of 3,000 words prose, or 5 poems per entry. Only previously unpublished work may be entered. No simultaneous entries.
Jessamy Stursberg Poetry Prize
Genre: Poetry (Grades 7 – 9 and 10 – 12)
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: April 30, 2025
Prize: First prize of $400 CAD; second prize of $350 CAD; third prize of $300 CAD
Description: The Jessamy Stursberg Poetry Prize for Canadian Youth was established to foster a lifelong relationship between Canadian youth and the literary arts, specifically poetry. The prize is supported through a generous donation from the Stursberg family and other donors in honour of Jessamy Stursberg. The prize accepts submissions from young poets all across Canada, with three prizes awarded in both the Junior (grades 7 to 9) and Senior (grades 10 to 12) categories.
Pottersfield Prize for Creative Nonfiction
Genre: Nonfiction Manuscript
Entry Fee: $25 CAD
Deadline: April 30, 2025 (early submissions encouraged)
Prize: First prize of publication with a $1,000 advance on 10% royalty for all sales; second prize of publication and an $800 advance on 10% royalties
Description: Manuscript of 30,000 to 150,000 words. Genres include history, memoir, autobiography, biography, literary journalism, political or social commentary, travel writing or any nonfiction medium. Winners will be announced on June 30, 2025.
Storyhouse Nonfiction Animal Stories Contest
Genre: Nonfiction
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: April 30, 2025
Prize: First prize of $200 USD and automatic entry to the Winners Circle Contest; runner-up prize of $100 USD; all winners receive certificates of recognition suitable for framing
Description: Stories should be factual and true accounts of an encounter or encounters by the author with a wild animal or animals. These include, but are not limited to, birds, fish, butterflies, snails, lions, bears, turtles, wombats, etc., as long as it is not a pet. Stories must be between 1,000–10,000 words in length. Language in the stories should be free of words or scenes not suitable for children. Stories can be submitted from any country, although they must be written in English. There is a limit of two contest submissions. No story may be entered in more than one contest. Stories entered in any of our previous contests will not be eligible for current year contests.
Tadpole Press 100-Word Writing Contest
Genre: Flash Fiction
Entry Fee: $15 USD per entry
Deadline: April 30, 2025
Prize: First prize of $2,000 USD; second prize of publishing and marketing package with Compassiviste Publishing valued at $6,000 USD; third prize of manuscript assessment package with Compassiviste Publishing valued at $1,500 – $3,000 USD
Description: All ages. All genders. All nationalities. All writers welcome. 100 words or less per entry. You may submit as many entries as you’d like.
Toronto Book Awards 2025
Genre: All Genres
Entry Fee: None
Deadline: April 30, 2025
Prize: Grand prize of $10,000 CAD; five finalist awards of $1,000 CAD
Description: Submission must contain some clear Toronto content (this may be reflected in the themes, settings, subjects, etc.), but authors do not necessarily have to reside in Toronto. There are no separate categories: novels, short story collections, books of poetry, books on history, politics and social issues, biographies, books about sports, children’s and young adult books, graphic novels, and photographic collections are judged together. Books must be published between May 1, 2024, and May 31, 2025.
Vallum 2025 Chapbook Award
Genre: 12 to 30 Page Chapbook
Entry Fee: $25 CAD for Canadian entrants and $30 CAD for U.S. and International entrants
Deadline: April 30, 2025
Prize: First prize of $300 CAD and publication in the Vallum Chapbook Series
Description: The editors at Vallum are committed to enriching and continuing the tradition of poetry in the present day. They welcome submissions that deepen their understanding of what poetry is and can be. They encourage Indigenous writers, writers of colour, gender non-conforming writers, differently abled writers, LGBTQ writers, writers with mental or physical illnesses, and writers who are otherwise affected by structural inequality to submit their work for consideration.
Whistler Independent Book Awards (WIBA)
Genre: Fiction, Nonfiction
Entry Fee: $100 per entry
Deadline: April 30, 2025 (entries for the 2025 awards will open on March 1, 2025)
Prize: Various non-monetary prizes, see website for details
Description: Jointly administered by the Whistler Writing Society, Canadian Authors, and Vivalogue Publishing, the Whistler Independent Book Awards (WIBAs) provide independent authors with a unique opportunity to have their work recognized through a juried process typically reserved for trade-published titles.
Australian Book Review 2025 Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize
Genre: Short Story
Entry Fee: $20 AU for current ABR subscribers or $30 AU for non-subscribers
Deadline: 2025 contest details to be announced
Prize: First prize of $6,000 AU; second prize of $4,000 AU; third prize of $2,500 AU
Description: Seeking original short stories of between 2,000 and 5,000 words on any subject and in any style.
Contemporary Verse 2 Two-Day Poem Contest
Genre: Poetry
Entry Fee: $26 CAD for registration plus a one-year subscription to Contemporary Verse 2 magazine or $16 CAD for registration only
Deadline: 2025 contest details to be announced
Prize: First prize of $500 CAD; second prize of $300 CAD; third prize of $150 CAD; Editor’s Choice, Editor’s Mom’s Choice and People’s Choice prizes of one-year subscription to and publication in Contemporary Verse 2 magazine
Description: This annual contest challenges you to write an original poem in 48 hours — with only one catch. The final poem must include ten words that they provide.
Dr. William Henry Drummond Poetry Contest
Genre: Poetry
Entry Fee: $10 CAD per poem
Deadline: 2025 contest details to be announced
Prize: First prize of $300 CAD; second prize of $200 CAD; third prize of $100 CAD; eight honourable mention prizes of $75 CAD each; nine prizes of $50 CAD each will be given for Judge’s choices; all Judge’s choices will be included in an anthology
Description: There is no theme, and poems must be titled, previously unpublished, on white background with no artwork. Poems are not to exceed 50 lines in length, including the title. Space between the title and any paragraph is counted as one line. So please measure these lines carefully. Do not put your name on the pages your poems are typed on. There is a blind judging contest, and the Judge will not know your name. Only accepting online submissions with e-transfer payments to
First Pages Prize
Genre: Fiction
Entry Fee: $20 USD per entry; $35 USD per entry during extended entry period
Deadline: 2025 contest details to be announced
Prize: First prize of $2,000 USD; second prize of $1,500 USD; third prize of $1,000 USD; all winners receive a developmental mentorship that will include virtual meetings to discuss your work, review of select pieces of your work, and potentially a written report from the mentor, and a consultation with an agent via Zoom
Description: The First Pages Prize is an annual prize awarded to three emerging writers. The competition is for writers who are NOT currently represented by a literary agent, whether for previously published or unpublished work. Writers from anywhere in the world may enter, if eligible. Entrants must be currently unagented. If you are working with an agent, you are NOT eligible to enter. Please submit the first 1,250 words (maximum) of a fiction or creative non-fiction manuscript (such as a novella, novel, memoir, etc.)
Geist 20th Annual Literal Literary Postcard Story Writing Contest
Genre: Short Story
Entry Fee: $25 CAD plus $5 CAD per additional entry (includes a one-year subscription to Geist, international entrants will receive the digital edition)
Deadline: 2025 contest details to be announced
Prize: First prize of $500 CAD; second prize of $250 CAD; third prize of $150 CAD
Description: Send in a story and a postcard—the relationship can be as strong or as tangential as you like, so long as there is a clear connection between the story and the image. If you’re not sure where to look for a postcard, you can make your own or visit Wikimedia Commons. The story can be fiction or non-fiction; maximum length is 500 words.
Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition 2025
Genre: Short Story, Fiction
Entry Fee: Early Bird rate of $15 USD per entry and regular rate of $20 USD per entry
Deadline: 2025 contest details to be announced
Prize: First prize of $1,500 USD and publication of the winning story on the competition website; second and third prizes of $500 USD each; honourable mentions awarded to entrants whose work demonstrates promise
Description: The competition has a forty-two year history of literary excellence, and Lorian Hemingway and her small judging panel are dedicated to enthusiastically supporting the efforts and talent of writers of short fiction whose voices have yet to be heard. Lorian Hemingway, a granddaughter of Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway, is the author of three critically acclaimed books: Walking into the River, Walk on Water, and A World Turned Over. Stories must be original unpublished fiction and may not exceed 3,500 words in length. There are no theme or genre restrictions. Copyright remains the property of the author.
PRISM International 2025 Grouse Grind Lit Prize for V. Short Forms
Genre: Short Forms
Entry Fee: $15 CAD per entry and $5 CAD for each additional entry
Deadline: 2025 contest details to be announced
Prize: Grand prize of $500 CAD; runner-up prize of $150 CAD; second runner-up prize of $50 CAD
Description: 300 words maximum (including title) per entry. There are no other form limitations for this contest. Flash fiction and nonfiction, hybrid forms and experimental work are all welcome.
Raymond Carver Short Story Contest
Genre: Literary Fiction
Entry Fee: $17 USD
Deadline: 2025 contest details to be announced
Prize: First prize of $2,000 USD; second prize of $500 USD; third prize of $250 USD; two Editor’s Choice prizes of $125 USD each
Description: Now in its 23rd year, the Raymond Carver Short Story Contest is one of the most renowned fiction contests in the world and is open to writers from all over the world. Winning stories will be read by three literary agents. Winners announced August 1 and published in fall issue online and in print. Honorable mentions and semi-finalists will be listed online for up to 6 months. All work submitted will also be considered for non-contest publication. One short story per entry with no limit to number of entries. Story must be previously unpublished (including online). No genre fiction (romance, horror, sci-fi), literary fiction only. 10,000 maximum word count.
Royal City Literary Arts Society (RCLAS) Write On! Contest 2025
Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction
Entry Fee: $10 CAD per story or poem for RCLAS members and $20 CAD per story or poem for non-RCLAS members
Deadline: 2025 contest details to be announced
Prize: First prize of $150 CAD; second prize of $100 CAD; third prize of $75 CAD; three honourable mention prizes; winners and honourable mentions will be published in RCLAS E-Zine Wordplay at Work
Description: Maximum of three submissions per person combined in any one or all three categories. Poems and stories will only be accepted by email.
Sheila Barry Annual Best Canadian Picture Book of the Year Award
Genre: Picture Book
Entry Fee: $30 CAD per title
Deadline: 2025 contest details to be announced
Prize: First prize of $2,500 CAD (the cash prize will go to the author/illustrator, and in the case of a separate author and illustrator, the prize will be split 50/50)
Description: Administered by the Vancouver Children’s Literature Roundtable, the Sheila Barry Best Canadian Picture Book of the Year Award will be awarded each year at the Annual VCLR Sheila Barry Best Canadian Picture Book of the Year Award Breakfast. The book must exhibit a seamless integration of the verbal and visual modes. In the case of a wordless book then it must be a seamless integration of the unwritten narrative that can be inferred from the well sequenced series of images. The book must be written in English by a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant and must be published by a Canadian publisher during 2024. A three-person jury will select the winning book and four honour books.