by Ernest Warner

Book Cover: The Cro-Magnon Archipelago: Atlantis Reborn
ISBN: 9781784658823
ISBN: 9781784658823

Atlantis was a legendary city first mentioned by Plato. It was the imperial capital of a mighty naval empire which had conquered much of western Europe. However, through a sudden twist of fate, the entire metropolis was swallowed by the vast Atlantic Ocean over the course of a single day and night, leaving no survivors. Throughout history, many explorers have searched for the lost city, hoping to discover the remnants of a utopian dream, but alas it remained hidden within the mists of time. Did it ever really exist and if so, was it utterly destroyed by a global disaster unleashed by nature's awesome fury? Now just suppose that Atlantis was reborn from the ashes like the fabulous phoenix, and that the descendants of the original Atlantean survivors rebuilt their civilization under the leadership of a tyrannical psychopath seeking global conquest and revenge. Through his insatiable greed and delusions of wealth and power, countless lives will be ruined or lost. The only thing standing between him and global genocide is a band of gifted Atlanteans led by Jason 57. This team of Argonauts will pit their incredible gifts and wits against an insatiable demon and his vast hordes in an effort to rebalance the scales of power and reunite a fractured global society.

Publisher: Pegasus Publishers

A British lad took a swig from his pint of McGuinness and said, “Yeah, this ship has sailed and we’re all going to hell.”


Suddenly they felt a jolt and were all knocked down like tenpins as the structure began to collapse. The American shouted, “Here we goooo…” The French girl screamed while the Brit laughed and kept on swilling his beer. Far below them the multitude finally took the hint and scattered like frightened cattle, stampeding into and on top of each other in a grand adrenaline rush. Suddenly the giant ground to a gradual halt while apparently defying gravity as it balanced on its remaining two legs at a thirty degree tilt. Standing tall at the base of the fallen metallic monolith was a mortal giant who cast a long dark shadow against the setting sun. His right arm was outstretched and the eyes on his chiseled face were closed. An electric blue wave of light extended from his fingertips and wrapped itself around the massive steel torso. The tower righted itself in what felt like an eternity. He raised his left hand and the crumpled and torn metal fragments reshaped themselves as girders and bridgework became reconnected. The thousands of desperate would be victims stopped and watched the spectacle like innocent children enraptured by a fairytale. The very sky itself crackled and sizzled as streams of static energy flowed through Magnis’ sculptured body which was shrouded in a brilliant bluish-white glow. Literally thousands of bits and pieces danced through the air as time itself seemed to retrace its steps. Nature and the Fates were deprived of a victory by this lone superhero.

Just as sanity was once again restored, a shrill scream shattered the brief but tranquil moment. Death took a final thrust with his sickle as a jagged steel cross member fell from the very pinnacle of the tower straight towards a young French mother pushing a pram which held a six-month old baby girl. The woman was petrified and her two small children clung to her skirt for comfort and safety. Magnis realized the danger all too late but was helpless to divide his concentration. Several other onlookers scrambled to offer help but were too far away to reach the family in time. One terrified woman shouted, “Oh my God.” The mother clasped her cross and rosary beads with tears streaming down both cheeks. Zzzaaaapp… The lethal instrument of death exploded into a billion glowing particles like a distorted fireworks starburst.

Dr. Coeus was standing three hundred feet behind the mother and her babes. He was after all the reigning chairman and champion marksman of the New Atlantis protonic gun club. He had knelt down on his left knee and drew a bead on the speeding steel javelin. He held his breath and squeezed the trigger on the protonic rifle. It all happened in just over two seconds. The grateful mother waved with both hands and shouted, “Merci, merci, merci.” After a few moments the crowd raised a chorus of cheers and thank yous which could be heard clean across the city. They began to rush their two saviors into a huddle. Magnis had completed his repairs although further restoration would still be needed.


About the Author

I was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia and moved to Ontario as a young man where I attended college and raised a family. I was forced into early retirement while working in the nuclear industry due to a severe car accident. While my wife Gloria was recovering in a long-term care facility following a cardiac arrest, I took up painting and then applied myself to my lifelong dream of becoming a writer. I started out doing this to please myself but now I'm quite curious as to whether others can also enjoy the characters which I've brought to life. I currently live in Dunnville, Ontario, which is a rural township in the heart of the local farming community. My wife passed away last year and so I'm continuing to focus on my writings.