The Crimson River

A desperate class struggle rages on between Covedale and Riverlea—sister cities far from the front lines and the newly-established global government, World United—that threatens to tear them apart from the inside. Organized crime has infiltrated key positions locally and is using its control to pit the cities against each other, manipulating citizens and businesses alike to achieve their mysterious ends. On one side of the river, residents enjoy modest creature comforts and never want for food. On the other side, however, it’s a fight to survive. Basic rights like food, shelter, and safety are mere wishes in Riverlea. Upholding the status quo is in Covedale’s favor, but Riverlea won’t continue living in abject poverty. An underground movement has firmly established itself as enemy to the unknown puppet masters who have thus far acted without repercussions and kept Covedale in power. The last thing either side is expecting is the impact Oliver Conway’s seemingly-innocent arrival will have on events. Oliver may be ignorant to how deep the machinations go that brought him to Riverlea, but his instinct for self-preservation may just see him through . . . if he can avoid falling victim to his own ambition and resist being used as a pawn. Can one haunted soldier inspire a revolution or will he instigate a massacre?
He continued his walk, passing the city slums set up in what looked like a former park. The poorest of the poor he’d ever seen occupied Riverlea. People looked like they had lost everything and ended up in this shack city. He greeted an old woman sitting on the sidewalk as he passed by. Her face was wrinkled like the old paint still stuck to the ruins nearby. She returned the smile; a kind, genuine smile.
The dirty kids that ran past him barefoot, or the ones playing in sewers, would never have a normal life. Some were already addicted to drugs and alcohol by the age of ten. The local gang would absorb others and put them to long hours of work for little money scavenging the ruins for raw materials or making garments in the local textile factory. Mothers cooking the only meal of the day on the firepit in the middle of the makeshift city or hanging the washed rags to dry in the sun were selling themselves during the night to feed hungry mouths.
READ MOREThe entire city was a place of misery and unattainable dreams, but against all odds, people still laughed and smiled—either because the war was over, or because their situations were so helpless they no longer cared.
COLLAPSEWhistler Independent Book Awards wrote:"The plot of Sabanto starts off strong, with intriguing worldbuilding. Anderson's vision for her world is brimming with interesting tidbits and threads that help it stand out."
"The setting comes across in vivid realism. This is not your standard dystopian or post apocalyptic book with over-the-top settings and situations. This story feels like it could happen. The reader can see and experience the contrast of the two feuding cities through the characters actions, reactions and interactions. The ragged cities, the squalor and filth of the common folk in contrast to the privilege of the wealthy is effectively drawn."