Category Archives: Canadian Authors Association – NCR

Legislation must take creators into account fairly and equitably, as they fight to continue, often in the face of large technological companies already making money hand over AI generated fist. If we lose our creators, we not only lose our culture, but the technology giants lose materials with which to grow their systems.

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Canada has the opportunity to create a regulatory system for AI that supports the value of human creation and sustains our vital cultural industries.

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In finding that the education and school board plaintiffs were not required to pay tariffs, the Federal Court’s decision demonstrates the absence of collective tools available to writers, artists and publishers to defend creator rights, and to protect the availability of Canadian content and focus within our nation’s classrooms, and indeed, our national culture.

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Maybe fear is why it’s so hard to promote our own books. But at least we know we’re not alone.

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Winners of the 35th annual National Capital Writing Contest were announced during an online ceremony on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 6:30 p.m. Congratulations to all the finalists! Short Story First Place: “The Hardest Grief in the World,” by Pamela Porter Second Place: “Still Living,” by Anna Rumin Third Place: “Door…

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By Catina Noble I often hear writers talk about whether or not it is a good idea to submit to different types of contests. This includes flash fiction, short stories (fiction and non-fiction), poetry etc. Many writers like to submit in many places, thinking that if they are consistent and…

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