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First Name Carlos
Last Name Laya
Member Since January 27, 2024
Email carloslaya.autor@gmail.com
Phone 647-807-9467
City Toronto
State ON
Zipcode M6P 2R7
Country Canada
Pen Name
Branch Affiliation Toronto
Blog https://carloslayaautor.wixsite.com/mi-blog
Instagram @carloslaya.autor
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094350411549
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/40687349.Carlos_Laya
Bio Carlos Laya is a Venezuelan, electronic engineer, broadcaster, and passionate writer of short stories and novels. Furthermore, as an empirical historian, he is the author of the radio program "Universal Characters." He has a variety of articles published in business-oriented magazines, focusing on leadership, management and sales. Based in Canada, married, and with two children, he enjoys traveling the world, exploring new cultures, and cherishing unforgettable moments.
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Genres Biography & Memoir, Drama, e-Book, Educational, Fantasy & Science Fiction, Fiction, History, Mystery, Thriller & Suspense, Politics & Social Science, Religion & Spirituality, Romance, Self Help, Speculative, Travel, Young Adult
Available For Readings, Presentations, Workshops, Book Club Meetings, Speaking Engagements
Services Offered Corporate Writing, Editing, Freelance Writing, Manuscript Reading & Consultation, Promotional Copy, Research, Scriptwriting & Screenwriting, Storytelling, Translation, Web Content