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First Name Fisher
Last Name Lavell
Member Since May 2, 2023
City Swan River
State MB
Zipcode R0L 1Z0
Country Canada
Pen Name Fisher Lavell
Branch Affiliation Member at Large (no branch affiliation)
Website fisherlavell.ca
Blog fisherlavell.ca/fishersblog
Twitter @FisherLavell
Instagram @fisherlavell
Facebook Fisher Lavell author
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/60588304
Bio Fisher Lavell is a working-class writer. Born to generations of rural poor, she was blessed with a trove of untamed stories and the stubborn will to tell them. Her first novel, A Seven Year Ache, was shortlisted for the Margaret Laurence Award for Fiction. She can often be seen at a distance, a row of blue hills on the horizon, walking the gravel roads and endless green fields of the Swan River Valley.
Publications Fiction: Novel: A Seven Year Ache, FriesenPress, 2022. Fiction: Short Story: The Terrible Twinning. Prairie Fire 31 (3), 125-135, 2010. Short Story: My Father Remembers His Mother. Prairie Fire 16 (3), 38-43, 1995. Non-fiction: Bio: North American Peasant. In C. Collins, J. Ladd, M. Seider, & F. Yeskel (Eds.), Class Lives: Stories from Across Our Economic Divide, (pp. 22-28). Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 2015. Non-fiction: Professional: Go Back to Your Trailer: Essential Social Class Awareness for Counsellors. In N. Arthur (Ed.), Counselling in Cultural Contexts, (pp.76-102). Switzerland : Springer, 2018. Professional: Storying the Lives of the Working Class: Attending to Class at the Intersections of Identities. In S. Collins (Ed.), Embracing Cultural Responsivity and Social Justice, (pp. 256-290). Calgary : Counselling Concepts, 2018. Professional: Beyond Charity: Social Class and Classism in Counselling. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 48(3), 231-250, 2014.
Other Memberships Manitoba Writers Guild
Genres Academic, Autobiography, Biography & Memoir, e-Book, Educational, Fiction, Freelance, Health, History, Nonfiction, Politics & Social Science, Self Help, Short Stories
Available For Readings, Presentations, Workshops, Book Club Meetings, Speaking Engagements
Services Offered Book Reviews, Freelance Writing, Manuscript Reading & Consultation, Research, Scriptwriting & Screenwriting, Storytelling, Web Content