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First Name Phyllis Marie
Last Name Jensen
Member Since October 31, 2022
Email jensenpm@telus.net
Phone 604-731-1557
Street #201 - 1639 Vine Street
City Vancouver
State BC
Zipcode V6K 3J3
Country Canada
Pen Name Alberta Summers
Branch Affiliation BC
Website www.phyllisjensen.com
Bio Phyllis Marie Jensen RN (RAH), PhD (UofT), APD (ISAP, Zürich) is a Jungian psychoanalyst (Zürich, 2011), Sandplay therapist, professional writer and former clinical professor of family medicine now living in Vancouver, Canada.
Publications Recent publications include: A Depth Psychology Model of Immigration and Adaptation: the Migrant’s Journey (Routledge, 2020); "American and Canadian cultural complexes compared," Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, 2018, 12(2); Artist Emily Carr & the Spirit of the Land: a Jungian Perspective (Routledge, 2016). Presentations Self & Identity: Role of Ascription & Proscription (pending) Is gender passé: trans, non-binary & the gender complex, IAAP, Vienna, 2019 Artist Emily Carr & the Spirit of the Land, Vancouver Art Gallery, 2018 The Migrant’s Journey, C.G. Jung Society of Vancouver, Sept 30, 2016 The Real Truth about Emily Carr, Vancouver Jung Society, Nov 15/Nov 22, 2016 Emily Carr & the Spirit of the Land, Augustana University, Camrose, AB, May 2, 2016 Exploring Totem Images & Mythological Thinking, Seattle Jung Society, Nov14, 2015 Emily Carr & the Spirit of the Land, Seattle Jung Society, Nov 13, 2015 Emily Carr: A Psychoanalytic Portrait, Victoria Jung Society, May 30, 2014
Other Memberships AGAP (Association of Graduate Analytical Psychologists) BCACC (British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors) BCFW (British Columbia Federation of Writers) IAAP (International Associaton of Analytical Psychologists)
Genres Academic, Biography & Memoir, Educational, Fiction, Health, History, Nonfiction, Technical
Available For Readings, Presentations, Workshops, Book Club Meetings, Speaking Engagements
Services Offered Book Reviews, Editing, Manuscript Reading & Consultation, Research