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First Name Tamara
Last Name Miller
Member Since February 14, 2021
Email tamara@ncf.ca
City Ottawa
State ON
Country Canada
Branch Affiliation National Capital Region
Website https://bytamaramiller.com/
Instagram tlmiller2018
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tamara.miller.79230
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/117936796-tamara-miller
Bio Armed with a Ph.D. and good intentions, Tamara Miller wrote history and government policy before finding her happy place in fiction. Along the way, she became a soccer fan, a nature lover, and the President of Ottawa Independent Writers. She lives in Ottawa, Canada, with her family and two long-suffering cats, though she frequently escapes the city to explore the wilder places. Into the Fall is her first novel.
Publications Into the Fall, Thomas and Mercer (Forthcoming); Our instinct as parents is to protect our children. How can I guard them against racism? CBC News Opinions. Posted, March 20, 2021; The House is back, and it's time for members of Parliament to grow up, CBC News Opinions. Posted December 5, 2019.
Other Memberships Ottawa Independent Writers, Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers