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First Name Pat
Last Name Connors
Member Since May 31, 2020
Email patrickjt.connors@gmail.com
City Toronto
State Ontario
Country Canada
Pen Name Pat Connors
Branch Affiliation Toronto
Twitter @81912CON
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/patrick.j.connors.3
Bio Pat Connors first chapbook, Scarborough Songs, was published by Lyricalmyrical Press in 2013, and charted on the Toronto Poetry Map. Part-Time Contemplative, his second chapbook with Lyricalmyrical, was published in 2016. He contributed 18 poems to Bottom of the Wine Jar, published by SandCrab Books in 2017. Other past publications include The Toronto Quarterly, Spadina Literary Review, and Sharing Spaces, a joint project of York University and Antares Publications. He has been accepted in Tending the Fire, Lummox 9, and Tamaracks, an anthology of Canadian poets released last spring in Long Beach, California, as well as all over Ontario. He is a manager of the Toronto chapter of 100,000 Poets for Change. His first full collection, The Other Life, was released by Mosaic Press in 2021. His most recent chapbook, Worth the Wait, was published by Cactus Press in 2023. The Long Defeat, his second full collection, came out in Spring 2024.
Publications The Other Life, my first full manuscript of poetry, will be published by Mosaic Press in January 2021, and officially launched in July.
Other Memberships League of Canadian Poets, The Ontario Poetry Society, Scarborough Poetry Club.
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