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First Name Barbara
Last Name Howard
Member Since February 5, 2013
Email whipstock@barbhoward.ca
Pen Name
Branch Affiliation Member at Large (no branch affiliation)
Website www.barbhoward.ca
Instagram bhoward717
Bio Barb Howard’s latest book is the novella Happy Sands published by the University of Calgary Press’s Brave and Brilliant series. (Fall 2021) Barb is a former Author in Residence for the Calgary Public Library and a recipient of the Canadian Authors' Association Exporting Alberta Award and the Howard O'Hagan Award for Short Story. Barb’s previous books include the short story collection Western Taxidermy (NeWest Press), the novella Notes for Monday (Recliner Books), the novel Whipstock (NeWest Press) and the young adult novel The Dewpoint Show (Fitzhenry & Whiteside). She is co-editor of the nonfiction anthology Embedded on the Home Front: Where Military and Civilian Lives Converge (Heritage House). Her essays and short fiction have been published in magazines across Canada. Barb is the Calgary writing mentor for The Shoe Project— a national literary and performance workshop for newcomer women. She was also a mentor in the WGA/AWCS Own Voices Alberta 2021 program. Barb is a current member of the board of Calgary Arts Development and a past president of the Writers’ Guild of Alberta.
Publications Happy Sands. UCalgary Press. 2021. (Novella); Western Taxidermy. NeWest Press, 2012. (Short Story Collection); Embedded on the Home Front: Where Military and Civilian Lives Converge. Heritage House. 2012. (Nonfiction Anthology. Editor and Contributor); The Dewpoint Show. Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2010. (Young Adult Novel); Notes for Monday. Recliner Books, 2009. (Novella); Whipstock. NeWest Press, 2001. (Novel)
Other Memberships Writers' Guild of Alberta, Creative NonFiction Collective, Alexandra Writers Centre Society, The Writers Union of Canada
Awards 2013 - Finalist - High Plains Book Award for Short Story, 2012 - Winner - Canadian Authors Association (Alberta Branch) Exporting Alberta Award, 2012 - Finalist - Howard O'Hagan Award for Short Story, 2012 - Finalist - Ross Annett Award for Children's Literature, 2009 - Winner - Howard O'Hagan Award for Short Story, 2008 - Finalist - Western Magazine Awards (fiction category), 2001 - Finalist - Henry Kreisel Award (best first book by an Albertan), 1995 - Winner - Calgary Writer's Association Sunshine Sketches Award
Contests 2017 - Finalist - Carte Blanche and Creative Nonfiction Collective essay contest, 2015 - 2nd place - Canadian Authors' Association short story contest (hosted by Vancouver Branch), 2008 - Finalist - AlbertaViews Short Story Contest, 2005 - Winner - Prairie Anthology Writing Competition, Writing for Children category, 2002 - Winner - AlbertaViews Short Story Contest, 1995 - Winner - Canadian Lawyer Magazine Short Story Contest
Genres Autobiography, Fiction, Freelance, Humour & Entertainment, Nonfiction, Short Stories
Available For Readings, Book Club Meetings
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