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First Name Rosanna
Last Name Micelotta Battigelli
Member Since February 14, 1995
State Ontario
Country Canada
Branch Affiliation Toronto
Website www.rosannabattigelli.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/RoBattigelli
Bio Rosanna Micelotta Battigelli immigrated to Sudbury, Ontario, Canada with her family at three years of age. During her teaching career, she received four OECTA (Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association) Best Practice Awards for her unique strategies in early literacy and other initiatives. Rosanna is a professional member of the Writers’ Union of Canada, the Canadian Authors Association, the Association of Italian-Canadian Writers, and CANSCAIP. An alumna of the Humber School for Writers, she has been published in eighteen anthologies and journals. She lives in Sudbury and has also done readings in Toronto, Sault Ste. Marie, Manitoulin Island, Montreal, Vancouver, New York City, and Italy. Rosanna’s novel La Brigantessa (Inanna Publications & Education, Inc., 2018) was awarded Gold for Historical Fiction in the 2019 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY Awards) and she received her gold medal at the IPPY Awards in New York City in May 2018. La Brigantessa was a finalist for the 2019 Canadian Authors Association Fred Kerner Book Award and the 2019 Northern Lit Award. It won a 2019 International Book Award for Best Cover Design, and The Miramichi Reader’s “The Very Best!” Book Award in 2019 for Best Cover Art (designed by Val Fullard). In June, 2019, Rosanna read at a CAIS (Canadian Society for Italian Studies) Conference in Orvieto, Italy. https://www.inanna.ca/index.php/catalog/la-brigantessa/ Book trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vmc4f0_Drsk Her children’s book (Pumpkin Orange, Pumpkin Round) was published by Pajama Press (September 2019), and reissued in a second format in 2020. It was a 2020 Bank Street Best Book winner. https://pajamapress.ca/book/pumpkin_orange_pumpkin_round/ In October 2019, Rosanna was one of the four authors featured at the Parry Sound Festival of Authors. She did a reading there from La Brigantessa. Among other projects, Rosanna edited the book Tales of a West-End Italian Boy, by Nic Battigelli, released in 2019. Rosanna has also had three books published with Harlequin UK (2018, 2020). Two more will be released in March and July, 2021. Her fiction collection Pigeon Soup & Other Stories will be released by Inanna Publications in 2021. Rosanna’s second children’s book, Easter Morning, Easter Sun, will be released in March 2021 by Pajama Press. https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=rosanna+battigelli&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss In early 2020, Rosanna was a guest speaker at a CFUW (Canadian Federation of University Women) meeting. During the pandemic, Rosanna has been guest author at online book meetings, as well as at online events by Word Up Barrie, North Bay’s Conspiracy of Three, and Toronto’s Writers & Editors Network. She has also been revising a previous novel, and is starting to go over research for another historical novel.
Publications Link to Publisher: https://www.inanna.ca/index.php/catalog/la-brigantessa/ Link to Chapters/Indigo: https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/la-brigantessa/9781771335539-item.html?ikwid=la+brigantessa&ikwsec=Home&ikwidx=0 Link to Amazon (U.S. and Canada): https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Rosanna+Battigelli https://www.amazon.ca/Brigantessa-Rosanna-Micelotta-Battigelli/dp/177133553X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1546748667&sr=8-1&keywords=La+Brigantessa
Genres Childrens Books, Fiction, Romance, Short Stories
Available For Readings, Presentations, Workshops, Book Club Meetings, Speaking Engagements