Board Committees
CAA Executive Committee
Travis Croken, Co-chair
Christopher Gorman, Co-chair
Karen Gansel, Past Chair
Doug Jordan, Treasurer
Robert Mackay, Secretary
CAA Governance & Nominating Committee
Doug Jordan, Ontario (Committee Co-chair)
Brian Douglas, British Columbia (Committee Co-chair)
Nduka Otiono, Ontario
Travis Croken (ex officio)
CAA Finance & Corporate Strategy Committee
Doug Jordan, Ontario (Chair)
Robert Mackay, British Columbia
Karen Gansel, Ontario
Travis Croken, Ontario (ex officio)
Operational Committees
Advocacy Committee
Travis Croken, Ontario (Chair)
Jeananne Kirwin, Alberta (ex officio)
Pamela Clark, Alberta (secretary)
Nancy Bell, Alberta
Ishaa Vinod Chopra, Ontario
Brandi Tanner (staff support)
Branch Support & Development Committee
On hiatus.
Marketing & Communications (MarComm) Committee
Jeffrey Kippel, Alberta (Chair)
Nancy Bell, Alberta
Christopher Gorman, Ontario
Brandi Tanner (staff support)
Membership Committee
Christopher Gorman, Ontario (Chair)
Arlene Smith, Ontario
Travis Croken, Ontario (ex officio)
Brandi Tanner (staff support)
Programming Committee
Mindy Blackstein, Ontario
Brandi Tanner (staff support)
CAA Branch Executive Volunteers
Canadian Authors—BC
Kathleen Schmitt, Past President
Naomi Steinberg, Treasurer
Myrtle Siebert, Membership Chair
Graeme Kennedy, Executive Member at Large
Elizabeth McLean, Executive Member at Large
Canadian Authors–National Capital Region
Arlene Smith, President
Sherrill Wark, Treasurer
Christine Beelen, Membership Coordinator
Adrienne Stevenson, Program Coordinator
Gill Foss, Branch Historian
Robynne Eagan, Executive Member at Large
Beverly Boutilier, Executive Member at Large
Canadian Authors–Niagara
Sharon Frayne, President
Charlotte King, Past President
Cat Wilson, Treasurer
Sylvia Barnard, Secretary
Randi Evans, Program Coordinator
Charlie Schott, Membership; Electronic Writer-in-Residence
Leah Young, Webmaster; Fifteen Stories High Coordinator
Keith Inman, The Banister Coordinator
Heather Sanders, Executive Member at Large
Canadian Authors–Peterborough
Val Crowley, acting President
Diana Chan-Salitter, Executive Member at Large
Stephen Thompson, Executive Member at Large
Richard Lowery, Executive Member at Large
Canadian Authors–Toronto
JF Garrard, President
Phoebe An Lee, Treasurer/Program Coordinator
Valerie Eldritch, Secretary
Christopher Gorman, Executive at Large
Brandi A. Tanner, Membership Coordinator
National Office Volunteers
CAA Monthly Communique (e-bulletin)
Jennifer Foster, Associate Editor
Whistler Independent Book Awards (WIBA)
Robert Mackay, Reviews Coordinator, with training from previous coordinator Carol Tulpar
WIBA Reviewers
2024 Reviewers
Angel Acosta
John Appleby
Krista Baillie
Margo Bates
J S Bell
Dorothyanne Brown
Robert Brown
Jocelyn Bystrom
John Canavan
Deborah Cannon
Stefan Charles
Genevieve Chornenki
Pamela Clark
Michelle Cornish
Keith Costelloe
Suzanne Craig-Whytock
John Cragg
Travis Croken
Roxanne Davies
Karin Doucette
Brain Douglas
Judee Fong
Jennifer Foster
Edye Hanen
Jennifer Harris
Joanne Harris
Caitlin Hicks
Anthony Iacovino
Adam Jarvis
Doug Jordan
Graeme Kennedy
Willy Kotiuga
Fisher Lavell
Kimberly Lemaire
Charlotte Love
Maureen MacDonald
Carol MacKay
Susan Minsos
Donalee Moulton
Christina Myers
Darcy Nybo
Scott Parker
Kamal Parmar
Pamela Paterson
Dawn Promislow
Susan Salomonsson
Nigel Scotchmer
James Bryan Simpson
Arlene Smith
Theo Stojanov
Christine (Dr) Topjian
J Stephen Thompson
Carol Tulpar
Jill Tunbridge
Yvonne Van Lankveld
Katherine Westwood
Kevin Wilson
Julie Wise