The Alberta Adventures

Chance Cullen has screwed up royally, and he knows it. He’s alienated his mother and sister, and the girl he’s been in love with his whole life, Laurel Rowan. The lure of alcohol calls him, and in the past, he’s found solace there…for a time. But life keeps blowing up in his face. Chance’s narrow escape from both the law and the unsavoury characters he got involved with through his father, have left him shaken. In his mind, his greatest crime was putting Laurel Rowan in danger. He knows she doesn’t feel the same way about him as he does about her, but maybe, just maybe, he can win back her friendship. It won’t be an easy road, but Chance is determined to fight his demons.
Chance detoured back to his truck to grab the rigging bag, slinging it over his shoulder he made his way to the group of men gathered by the chutes.
“Hey, man.” His buddy Dakota slapped him on the shoulder.
“Hey,” Chance responded, nodding at the rest of the men as well.
“Heard your old man’s still up in Bowden, any news when he’s getting’ out?” Baccy Smith shot a stream of tobacco juice onto the ground near Chance’s boot. His yellow teeth showed in a sly grin behind the grizzled grey beard.
“No idea.” Chance turned his back on the old man. The guy’s glory days were long over, but he still liked to hang around with the boys at all the events.
“Who’d you get in the draw for the bulls?” Red Lambe asked, slapping his gloves on his thigh.
“Vertigo Sky, that big bull of Vold’s. What book do ya have on him? Who’d you get?”
READ MORE“Jayded, another one of Vold’s. You ever get on him?” Red hunkered down with Chance and Dakota. ‘What about you, ’Kota?”
The young cowboy shook his head. “Some new bull of Girletz’s, nobody seems to know much about him.” “Bet he gives you a good score, those Girletz bulls usually buck real good. I’ll have your back in the chutes if he’s rank.” Chance grinned at his friend.
COLLAPSERenee Duke, Amazon Review wrote:"Another winner by Canadian author, Nancy M. Bell of Alberta, Chance’s Way is Book 3 in The Alberta Adventures series. Filled with Chance’s young adult emotional struggles, the words of some wise elders around him, and some spectacular rodeo scenes—something the author is well known for—Chance’s Way is once again a winner for Ms. Bell!"
"This latest installment of the Alberta Adventures delves further into the character of troubled teen, Chance Cullen, and his struggles to overcome the hand life has dealt him and become the person he wants to be and his friends and family (aside from his no-account father) know he can be. I especially liked his venture into native healing practices."