The President is a person who likes to look ahead and envision the program of the Executive Committee—in conjunction with Committee members. This person can see the whole picture and address areas of work as needed. The President leads committee work relating to finance,  administration and fundraising (with Treasurer and Committee), vision and mission of the Committee with subsequent programs (Program Chair) and the development of membership (Membership Chair). The President respects the work of the organization and also respects the board members and the gifts they bring to the common tasks. The President relates to members at the local level and also officers at the national level. The President is optimistic and enthusiastic in leadership style and in representing the branch. This person relates well to others.

  1. The President will preside as chair of all meetings of the Board of Directors (also called the Executive Committee) and of general meetings of the BC Branch, in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
  2. The President is responsible for preparing the meeting agenda and distributing it to members for their consideration before the meeting. 
  3. The President is ex-officio of any committees established during the term, except for Nominating Committee. Committees usually include those of Membership, Programs, Treasury, and any temporary ad hoc committees added for specific functions.
  4. When requested to do so by Canadian Authors National Board, the President acts as  spokesperson for Canadian Authors in the BC area.
  5. When appropriate, the President will be spokesperson for the Branch.
  6. The President will give final approval for all printed material intended for public distribution.
  7. The President is responsible for providing leadership to the Executive Committee  (Board of Directors) to ensure that the work of both is carried out efficiently.
  8. The President automatically becomes part of the occasional meetings of the national Branch Support and Development Committee

NOTE: Two individuals may work together as Co-Presidents, dividing the role between them in an equitable way that is approved by the Committee.


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