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First Name David
Last Name Edey
Member Since February 11, 2022
Email davideedey@gmail.com
Country Canada
Pen Name David E. Edey
Branch Affiliation Member at Large (no branch affiliation)
Website https://www.davidedey.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/DavidEEdey
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/prepareyourexecutorprotectyourfamily
Bio David E. Edey is a Certified Executor Advisor (CEA) who has worked in the financial planning industry in Montreal for more than 35 years. No one likes talking about death and inheritances before they absolutely have to I get that. My book is filled with advice, tips, and many real-life examples demonstrating what can go wrong (and what can go right), depending on whether or not families plan accordingly in advance, communicate clearly with one another, and are willing to put petty and selfish differences aside.
Publications Executor Help - How to Settle an Estate Pick an Executor and Avoid Family Fights
Genres Nonfiction, Self Help
Available For Readings, Presentations, Workshops, Book Club Meetings, Speaking Engagements