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First Name Andrew
Last Name Palmer
Member Since December 23, 2021
City Toronto
State Ontario
Zipcode M5V 1B2
Country Canada
Company Synapz Productions
Pen Name
Branch Affiliation Toronto
Website www.synapzproductions.com
Twitter @synapzproductio
Instagram synapz_productions
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20962891.Andrew_Palmer
Bio Andrew Palmer grew up in Oakville, Ontario. He graduated from computer engineering and joined the Directors Guild of Canada to work in TV & Film production. His interests are in science fiction and politics, with some of his favourite storytellers including Robert Heinlein and Issac Asimov.
Publications The Bridge, Awake, Whirlwind: Based on a True Story, Dark Frontier: The Awakening
Other Memberships Directors Guild of Canada, IATSE 873
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