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First Name Theresa
Last Name Dale
Member Since January 20, 2020
Email treekins@hotmail.com
State QC
Country Canada
Company Paper Doll Publishing
Branch Affiliation National Capital Region
Website https://rosesghost.blogspot.com/
Blog https://rosesghost.blogspot.com/
Instagram theresadaleauthor
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Roses-Ghost-251245769089736
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19049082.Theresa_Dale
Bio Theresa Dale specializes in fictional thrillers and suspense, with a little mystery added in. She loves to let her characters tell the story - even if they're dead. Theresa currently lives in Quebec, Canada, but grew up in Nova Scotia, so most of her stories are told in Canadian settings. She won't disappoint a hungry reader; she's passionate about getting her works out, and about listening to her readers, too. She considers “That Summer” and “Bird With a Broken Wing" to be "friendly" ghost stories, while the "Roses' Ghost" series - which follows the Ridgewood family's connection to the ghosts of long-dead neighbors - is directed toward adult readers. Book #2, "Heather's Grave," will launch early in 2020, and "Dmitry's Shadow," the third and final book of the series, will follow soon after. After that, hold on tight, because the ride is just beginning...
Publications Rose's Ghost (Rose's Ghost series, book #1), Paperback: 352 pages, ISBN-10: 1999277325, ISBN-13: 978-1999277321 Heather's Grave (Rose's Ghost series, book #2), Pre-order available, Print Length: 331 pages, ASIN: B0831S191D Bird With A Broken Wing: Paperback: 210 pages, ISBN-10: 1093265388, ISBN-13: 978-1093265385 That Summer: Paperback: 209 pages, ISBN-10: 1092606238, ISBN-13: 978-1092606233
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