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First Name David J.
Last Name Forsyth
Member Since September 24, 2017
Email author@davidjforsyth.com
Phone 289 286 0312
Street 32 Magnificent Way
City Binbrook
State ON
Zipcode L0R 1C0
Country Canada
Branch Affiliation Hamilton
Website https://www.davidjforsyth.com
Instagram https://https://www.instagram.com/davidj.forsyth/
Facebook https://https://www.facebook.com/davidjforsyth2017
Goodreads https://https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16062249.David_J_Forsyth
Bio David J. Forsyth was born at Hamilton, Canada in 1945 and grew up on a farm north of the city. For much of his life, he harboured a passion for genealogy, meticulously researching the histories of his ancestors. Forsyth stuffed his findings into file cabinets, compiled biographies and studied individuals and family lines spanning three centuries. Finally, with a little prompting, the author began documenting the period of history that he had personally witnessed. In January, 2014, he published his debut book 'Dafydd', a non-fiction narrative memoir. Since his youth, Forsyth had dreamed of cruising the world aboard his own sailboat. Finally, within a decade of retirement, he turned his neglected fantasy into reality. He read everything he could find about sailing, enrolled in training programs, joined boating organisations and crewed on two lengthy coastal passages to gain cruising experience. Over a period of fifteen years, he sailed 6,000 nautical miles, exploring coasts and communities from the northern shores of Lake Huron and Labrador to southern Florida, all the while maintaining logs and journals of his adventures. Forsyth's second book, 'Too Cold for Mermaids' was published by Rock's Mills Press in late 2016. It details the author’s pursuit of a dream and his varied cruising experiences. Forsyth’s writing career is just beginning. He is currently working on a third manuscript, a fact based narrative focused on the life of a WWI war-bride.
Publications Dafydd. Fifth Concession Publishing, 2014. Too Cold for Mermaids, Rock's Mills Press, 2016.
Genres Biography & Memoir, Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Sports & Outdoor
Available For Readings, Presentations, Book Club Meetings, Speaking Engagements